Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Kitty Woes

I have several problems with these cats right now:

Problem 1 - Cal has learned how to climb on top of the bookcase. Oh no, don't doubt your judgment. It's as every bit high as it looks. He gets there by climbing up James' desk and using the curtain rod for a leg-up. Occasionally he'll fall on the computer monitor on the way down. No, no - it's not cute at all.

Problem 2 - The cats won't go to sleep so that I can trim their claws.

Problem 3 - The cats' claws should more accurately be called razor wire talons.

Problem 4 - The cats' favorite game is to take a running leap onto my back and dig in for dear life.

Problem 5 - Today I came home for lunch and found that the cats had detached several keys from my keyboard. I'm still looking for the Pause/Break key. They probably have it hidden under the bed with my other blue flip-flop and about a million of my hair elastics. Dirty rotten pack-cats.

Problem 6 - I'm starting to worry that the cats have plans. Global domination-type plans. We came home tonight and Outlook was open on my computer. I don't use Outlook...so just who were they trying to contact...hmmmm? Even as we speak Cal is trying to walk across the keyboard to inject secret codes into my post!

I have no choice: I must stop writing now before his evil plan succeeds.

Monday, July 25, 2005

A Snacky Tale

Once upon a time this afternoon James came home and handed me some chips that have been sitting in the breakroom where we work for about three weeks. "They're pesto," I said. "I don't like that."

"No, you don't understand, " he said. "Try them." So I did.

And they were the best chips I had ever tasted.

Check them out for yourself at www.pita chips.com. I want to buy more right now. May I recommend the Sun-Dried Tomato and Pesto?

And so, having spread the word on pita chips, I'm off to live happily the rest of the evening after.

Meet the Bocks

This blog will be a daily hash of life in the Bocks estate- a one-room efficiency apartment just big enough for the duke and duchess and our loyal kitty subjects. Trials of grad school, recent knitting projects, world-wide alerts on proper punctuation, obsessive quantities of kitty photos, newly discovered snack foods, and pictures I took while bored will all be considered news-worthy.

Meet the Duke. James Leon Bocks III tells the world in this media release that, incontrovertibly, he is number one. Also, he wishes to add that he thinks blogs are stupid. This will not stop me from reporting on his antics. James works as purchasing coordinator at Harding University and is "the awesome marshal" at Lazercade, the local lasertag hot-spot. James leaves us with this message: "Tell me when you need a good quote."

Meet the Duchess. Robyn Lee Bocks, a recent grad of Harding University, took this picture on a Saturday and went to class two days later. Depressing, but true. Between grad classes, I work on campus, knit, read and get into trouble with my friend Clarice. This picture, recently published in a local tabloid, carried the headline: "James may be number one, but check out Robyn's honor cord bling!"

Meet the real lords of the manor. These cat-ens (they're not kittens, not yet grown cats) run wild though the estate. They have discriminating palates and have been known to devour peanut butter, cantaloupe, spaghetti sauce, and herbal tea. No plate, cup or bowl is safe from their prying tongues. "Two cats in one room? Those people are crazy!" you say - and you speak truth. Soon, these wonderful beasts will take up daytime residence in the Bocks Front Yard Feline Preserve.

Calamari, a.k.a Cal - black & white
Minus - grey & white