Paradise (?) Melon

Fragrant and firm, the melon seemed like it would be worthy of a postcard once the adventure was over. Cut open, it looked and smelled like a cantaloupe.
However, eating this melon was like seeing a beautiful resort suite in a brochure and finding chicken bones under a chair when you actually arrive in your room. It looked and smelled a lot better than it tasted. It was just a little too sweet, with a weird aftertaste. Here is James's reaction:

The only parties with no complaints about the Paradise Melon?
Of course.
hey love what you're doing with the blog. the pictures are great keep it up. And I really love the hats that you made they are so cute. I'm preordering mine now you have a looooong time to work on them.
Robyn-- you are so cool! You and James keep me laughing still today and make me miss you more! I love your sense of humor and your insights into daily life. Even if we don't correspond regularly, I am glad you have fallen into this terrible trend of blogging mania... because it helps me know what you're up to. Be sure to check out my webshots page if you want to know about life in China. I love you!!! ------- super cool ashlee
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