Tuesday, August 02, 2005

CD Shucking

To everything...turn, turn, turn...there is a season....

This Sunday night was CD shucking season in the manor.

After clinging to the jewel cases from his 300+ CDs for years, James decided that the time had come to burn the tares. We transferred all of the CDs and books into a gargantuan binder, condensing the contents of a 3x4' storage shelf into a brick-o-music that, according to the Duke, "...verily did weigh 15 stone if it did weigh an ounce. Forsooth!"


Blogger Tracy Batchelder said...

Hurray for James! Hurray for more shelf space!

8:07 AM  
Blogger John Batchelder said...

So sad
Big guy - I tried to tell you that before long everything would be thrown away, covered up or displaced. I was thinking of the "lady of the manor" but now I think it may be to make room for the kitty toys and the litter box!

10:57 AM  

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